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Turbo for your digital transformation: Insights, innovations and food for thought for digitalization in medium-sized businesses

Digitization in the SME sector

How a CDN can revolutionize the performance of your WordPress website

In today's digital world, the performance of a website plays a crucial role in its success. If you run a WordPress website, you certainly know how important it is for…
Katarina Katarina5 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Preview of WordCamp Torino: What you can expect

Next week, WordCamp Torino opens its doors and promises to be an exciting event for WordPress enthusiasts, developers, designers and entrepreneurs. In this blog post, I'll give you a taste…
Katarina Katarina3 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Why WordPress is the best CMS for your website

If you want to create a website, choosing the right content management system (CMS) is crucial. As an expert in this field, I can tell you that WordPress is one…
Katarina Katarina4 min
Illustration Barrierefreiheit
Digitization in the SME sector

Web accessibility: A comprehensive guide to an inclusive online experience

In a digital world characterized by constant networking and information exchange, accessibility on the Internet has become an essential issue. It is not only an ethical obligation but also a…
Lea Lea6 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Optimise your website performance with caching: comprehensive information for WordPress users

If your website loads slowly or you want to improve its performance, caching could be the solution. Here you can find out what this term means and what advantages a…
Lea Lea8 min
Privacy Policy
Digitization in the SME sector

The 10 most serious GDPR mistakes and how you can avoid them as a website operator

Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May 25, 2018 and the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation, there have been fundamental changes for website operators. The handling of…
Lea Lea3 min
Richter-Hammer und Paragraph
Digitization in the SME sector

Successful online marketing in accordance with the GDPR?

Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force ) on May 25, 2018, the regulations for the handling of personal data were tightened. Especially in the area of…
Lea Lea9 min
Digitization in the SME sector

The Art of Online Visibility: A Guide to Optimizing Your Website

In today's digital era, online visibility is crucial, and search engine optimization (SEO) plays a central role in this. This article will walk you through the basics of SEO, show…
Lea Lea5 min
Erfolg im Online-Marketing dank Landing-Pages
Digitization in the SME sector

Landing pages: Your key to online marketing success

In the sea of ​​online marketing, it is the lighthouses that attract attention - it is the landing pages that lead an online marketing campaign to success. These specially designed…
Marco Marco6 min
Digitization in the SME sector

“SEO AS A SERVICE” – At the top of the search engines with Matoma

So go to professionals and have a new website created. Then success will come automatically. Great and easy. But what happens if the website is not successful despite the latest…
Matoma Matoma4 min
Digitization in the SME sector

How Google services improve visibility and online presence

91 percent of all Internet users search for information on the Internet. Almost all of them use search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Today, every second search no…
Matoma Matoma3 min
Digitization in the SME sector

E-marketing with SAGE CRM and Newsletter Marketing Center

Connect Sage CRM with the newsletter marketing center and send emails that delight your customers. With little effort you can send personal and relevant emails to every contact in a…
Matoma Matoma2 min
Digitization in the SME sectorUniversities

DKIM, SPF, MX, DMARC – understanding the key terms for successful email delivery

In der dynamischen Welt des E-Mail-Marketings sind bestimmte Begriffe von entscheidender Bedeutung, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Nachrichten nicht nur erfolgreich, sondern auch zuverlässig zugestellt werden. Lass uns einen genaueren Blick…
Katarina Katarina7 min
Digitization in the SME sector

TikTok meets – the perfect synergy for modern HR management

The ongoing challenges in attracting qualified employees in medium-sized businesses have encouraged companies to explore innovative ways. In this context, TikTok, the popular platform for entertaining and original videos, has…
Katarina Katarina5 min
Digitization in the SME sectorUniversities

A/B testing in email marketing: the key to maximum campaign success

Email marketing is not only an art, but also a science. It's not just about creative content, but also about mastering the intricacies of optimization. A crucial tool for realizing…
Katarina Katarina7 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Retail: Make use of the e-mail sales channel! Find out how to use e-marketing to drive up your turnover

Experience shows us that high season for online marketing is from the end of October to the start of January, where every customer is looking for gifts and is keen…
Marco Marco2 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Sales optimisation through the website

Matoma Internet Consulting’s product portfolio offers a very wide range of products and services to do with the Internet. Nevertheless, in no way does Matoma see itself as a traditional…
Marco Marco2 min
Digitization in the SME sector

How local authorities can establish dialogues that are efficient in terms of resources and costs

Um heute seine Zielgruppe optimal erreichen zu können, muss man seinen Kommunikationskanal breit aufstellen. Auch im kommunalen Bereich hat man das Potential zur Optimierung erkannt und setzt zunehmend auf Dialog-Marketing-Systeme.…
Marco Marco1 min
Digitization in the SME sector

Learn to understand search engines and get your website on top of the search results.

If you want to optimise your website for search engines you have to appreciate that search engine optimisation is a full-time job. Unlike other digital services, search engine optimisation isn’t…
Marco Marco1 min
Ihr Thema im Fokus einer eigenen Microsite
Digitization in the SME sector

One pager websites – Quick. Economical. Effective.

One-pager websites are trendy. More and more companies are discovering the advantages of presenting their information in a topic-specific and structured manner on a single website. Companies who need a…
Marco Marco1 min
Digitization in the SME sector

SEO AS A SERVICE” – At the top of the search engines with Matoma

Matoma Matoma
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