Trossingen/Cologne - Matoma, the innovative software manufacturer from Trossingen, is taking part in the renowned ORGATEC office trade fair in Cologne for the second time. In collaboration with Dutch partner…
The days of visitors and employees having to hand over their personal belongings to a receptionist or leaving them in unsecured storage areas are coming to an end. These traditional…
In today's working world, which is characterised by "New Work" principles, conference and meeting rooms play a crucial role. They are not only places for dialogue and collaboration, but also…
The world of work is on the threshold of a new era. While digital technologies have already fundamentally changed our private lives and society, the wave of digitalization is now…
Thanks to the new rental model, it is also attractive for medium-sized businesses. Additional front and body colors expand the possibilities to meet individual needs.
Smart locker systems have now become indispensable in modern office environments. They allow employees to store their personal belongings safely and conveniently while they are in the office. Smart locker…
Software has played a small role in the topic of smart lockers so far - an attempt to explain For a long time, the development of smart lockers was hardware-centric.…
The world of work is currently experiencing a paradigm shift. With the increasing popularity of open-space offices and the concept of New Work, flexibility and efficiency in the workplace are…
Alumni-Datensätze mit Detailinformationen zu Studien und Abschlüssen
Firmen, Ansprechpartner und Vorgänge in einem System
Verknüpfung zwischen Alumni und Firmen
umfangreiche Selektionen für gezieltes Marketing
Projekt-Management & Workflows
Teamübergreifende Aufgabenverwaltung
Schnittstelle zu E-Marketing
Schnittstellen zu Campus-Management-Systemen
Rechte- und Rollen-Verwaltung für zentrale und dezentrale Anwendergruppen
Mitgliederverwaltung & SEPA-Sammellastschriften
Dauer ca. 25 Minuten
Mehr als nur Alumni CRM – Ein System für alle Bereiche der Hochschulkommunikation
Dauer ca. 7 Minuten
Datenschutz: Sichtrechte im CRM einstellen
Dauer ca. 11 Minuten
Matoma-Powertools. Zusatzmodule für Sage CRM (Tagging, Inspektor, Übertragung an E-Marketing)
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What has lead generation got to do with waterholes and elephants?
“… See to it that the route to the waterhole is easily accessible and level (accessibility and usability) and make sure that it has a pleasant ambience, e.g. through shady trees (design). …”
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“Being found on the web”
Online presence as the motor for lead generation from Marco Gola, Matoma Internet Consulting GmbH
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Online magazine and newsletter
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Holistic Alumni Management as a Competitive Advantage
Reference book (2017) from author Marco Gola
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