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Digitization in the SME sector

“SEO AS A SERVICE” – At the top of the search engines with Matoma

By 29. February 2024No Comments4 min read

Everyone wants to be successful on the web. Increasing sales is a success! A new website is usually the right solution.

So go to professionals and have a new website created. Then success will come automatically. Great and easy.
But what happens if the website is not successful despite the latest technology and design? If your homepage has no visitors, what then?

Analysis through root cause research!

First you should ask yourself why the site has too few visitors. The solution is often quite obvious: interested parties cannot find your site when searching.

When illustrated, you can think of it as looking for a needle in a haystack. With over a billion websites worldwide, an almost impossible task. However, if you search with a metal detector, the search can be limited to a much smaller area. The needle can be found.

In our case, the needle would be the specific website and the metal detector would be our search engine. If we now transfer this to the Internet, search engines will help us find the right website.

If we look at the whole thing again from a different perspective, the search engine – assume Google – must know that the website exists and for which search terms it should be displayed.

The solution is called SEO

This is exactly where SEO comes into play. The abbreviation SEO means Search Engine Optimization and means search engine optimization. The placement in the search engines can be influenced by factors such as the right keywords, the right backlinks or adaptation to mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

Once Google finally finds the website, it will appear in the search results. The higher your site is listed in search results, the more likely it is that interested parties will visit your website. According to Sistrix, almost 60% click on the first result and only 15% click on the second result. Only 0.9% click on the results from page 2! This shows how important a good placement is.

Many SEO agencies pay dearly for these optimizations, unfortunately a never-ending cycle. Because let’s be honest, anyone who thinks SEO is a one-time investment is wrong. The web and search engines are subject to regular adjustments, so constant optimization and updating of your own homepage is unavoidable.

With our new service “SEO AS A SERVICE” we offer a great alternative. The focus is not on the optimizations by the service provider, but on the opportunity to optimize yourself and learn a lot. Because no one knows your company, your products or services better than you.

In addition, our customers always have the option of transferring some or all of the optimizations to us. We will carry out this for you as soon as possible.

You have doubts as to whether your technical skills on the PC are sufficient?

Can you edit your own website and make textual changes? Do you know what a search engine is and have you worked with it before? Then throw all doubts overboard!
Everything you need for SEO is taught in an understandable workshop. Regular tasks are then made available for the optimization itself. If you have any questions, the team will be happy to help you.

You will see the results after a short time.

Thanks to the continuous tasks, everyone can optimize their site for search engines quickly and easily.


Author Matoma

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