An increasing number of local authorities are switching from classical newsletter systems to dialogue marketing solutions, for the simple reason that this offers considerably more possibilities for distributing information or for running multi-level campaigns. This doesn’t just save on costs, it is also significantly more resource-efficient and noticeably simplifies many day-to-day processes.
The Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg business development agency has placed its trust in the modular dialogue marketing solution (NLMC) from Matoma and is using it as a mini CRM system for membership management.
Used in this way, the NLMC is a valuable tool for sending invitations, e.g. to a working breakfast or for creating e-mailings or customised newsletters. With the help of the Profile Manager, it is even possible to keep data records up-to-date without a great amount of effort in terms of resources or time.
By applying a target group filter to each data record, the solution offers the maximum customisation possibilities.
A solution that doesn’t just offer numerous functions and paths for creating dialogues, it is also the back-end system for managing, evaluating and filtering communications.