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Smart Lockers

Smart lockers in the entrance area of ​​companies

By 16. April 2024July 12th, 2024No Comments8 min read
Bild einer intelligenten Schließfachanlage im Eingangsbereich eines Unternehmens.

Conclusion – Smart Lockers in the entrance area:

Smart locker systems – or smart lockers – are more than just a modern convenience; they are an integral part of the “New Work” movement. With their advanced locker software, they offer indispensable support for daily operations in office buildings. They not only represent the future of office design, but are also a symbol of an efficient, safe and intelligent working environment.

How does access to Smart Lockers work?

Access to Smart Lockers is secured by advanced authentication mechanisms designed for modern technology and ease of use. Users can usually authenticate themselves using one of several methods to gain access to their assigned locker:

  1. RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification): With this method, users wear an RFID chip, often embedded in an ID card or wristband, which communicates when approached by the smart locker’s sensor. The locker recognises the authorised RFID chip and unlocks the corresponding compartment.
  2. PIN codes: Similar to an ATM, users enter a personal code via a touchpad or screen. Once the correct code has been entered, the locker is released for access.
  3. Biometric data: This method uses unique physical characteristics such as fingerprints, hand geometry or retinal scans to confirm the user’s identity. Biometric scanners at the Smart Locker compare the data presented with a stored database to verify authenticity.

The method chosen depends on the requirements and preferences of the company in question. All methods are designed to ensure secure and convenient access. If authentication is successful, the system sends a signal to the locker, whereupon the locker is unlocked. This process ensures that only authorised persons are granted access and that every interaction with the locker is recorded for audit purposes. This improves the security of the stored items and at the same time enables access to be tracked.

What happens if a Smart Locker is not closed properly?

If a Smart Locker is not closed properly, the intelligent monitoring functions of the electronic locks come into play. These are able to recognise and monitor the status of each compartment. In the event that a compartment remains open or is not closed correctly, the lock identifies this status as an unexpected event and sends a message to the central management system. The system can then automatically send a notification to the responsible employee or facility management to draw attention to the problem. Depending on the configuration of the system, immediate warning signals can also be triggered at the locker itself, for example by visual or acoustic signals that indicate the open status. This approach ensures that the security of the items stored in the lockers is always maintained and that rapid action can be taken to eliminate security risks.

Can Smart Lockers be temporarily reserved for certain people or groups?

Yes, intelligent lockers can be reserved for specific people or groups. The integrated software allows flexible management of the lockers so that they can either be permanently assigned to specific users or reserved for temporary periods. This is particularly useful for organisations that have regular events or meetings where participants or groups need a secure place to store their belongings.
The reservation function can be controlled via a centralised management system or a user app. Users can either reserve a locker in advance or on-the-fly, depending on availability and set policies. The lockers can also be programmed so that they are automatically accessible to certain user groups at certain times. As soon as the reserved time is over, the locker is released again for other users, or it can be reserved again for the same user or group.
In addition, the processes can be customised to meet specific needs, such as restricting access at certain times of day or setting up priority access for senior employees. Even in the case of hybrid events, where some participants attend in person and others attend digitally, Smart Lockers can be used to store materials that are exclusively for those attending in person. This all helps to make Smart Lockers a flexible and efficient solution for the modern working environment.

What role does the Locker software play in security?

Locker software plays a crucial role in the security of smart locker systems by providing a centralised platform for the management and monitoring of all locker stations within a building. NetLocker ® is considered a best-practice example of such software, allowing all lockers to be controlled efficiently and securely.

With NetLocker ® all interactions with each individual locker can be monitored centrally. This includes checking access, logging usage data and generating security reports. Centralised management means that security protocols can be implemented consistently and adapted quickly if necessary.

The flexibility of NetLocker ® enables companies to operate the software either in the cloud or on-premises. This gives organisations the freedom to choose the best solution for their specific security and infrastructure requirements. The cloud-based option offers the benefits of reduced IT load, scalability and remote access, while the on-premises solution allows complete control on site.

NetLocker ® is designed to integrate seamlessly into existing corporate environments without the need for in-depth intervention in the corporate infrastructure. This minimises potential security risks and facilitates risk assessment when introducing the system. The fact that NetLocker ® has minimal or no impact on the existing IT infrastructure means that the introduction of the software can be straightforward and without significant security risk.

Overall, NetLocker ® helps to maximise the security of locker systems while ensuring smooth and efficient operations. It is an example of how modern software solutions can simplify the management of smart lockers and increase security for users.


Author Marco

As managing director of Matoma GmbH and an experienced software entrepreneur (since 1997), Marco Gola has established himself as a leading force in the field of smart locker systems. He is the editor of a specialist book and an active blogger, where he writes about smart lockers, especially in office environments. Through his membership in the DVPT and IFMA Switzerland, he underlines his commitment to quality and innovation in the industry. Matoma GmbH is distinguished by the development of the leading software solution for intelligent locker systems NetLocker(r). Follow Marco Gola on LinkedIn for the latest insights and developments.

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