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go-digital funding program certifies Matoma as an authorized consulting company.

By 21. August 2024No Comments2 min read

Matomas customers can look forward to: Funding for new digital projects is now possible – whether for the introduction of web shops or the digitization of existing business processes. Trossingen, April 2021. Matoma’s know-how in the area of internet and digitalization is undisputed. The experience from implementing numerous projects in over 20 years, from workshops for potential analysis, to conception, to individual software development for medium-sized businesses or even craft businesses, gives an idea of Matoma’s broad portfolio. There has now also been recognition from the funding program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), which has authorized Matoma GmbH as a consulting company for the go-digital funding program for two modules.

Digitalized business processes and digital market development

In practice: What does this mean for Matoma GmbH customers? Advice and implementation of new digital projects for small and medium-sized commercial or craft companies with up to 100 employees are eligible for funding. The first module, digital business processes, refers to the introduction of e-business software solutions for complete and partial processes, e.g. E.g. warehousing, logistics, payment systems, ordering processes, etc. Project examples from practice have already been implemented in this area for a medium-sized carpentry shop or the local company Ritzi. The digital market development module covers, for example, websites, web shops or individual funnels – in the best case, all online marketing strategies that have a direct impact on sales. In the past, Matoma implemented projects such as websites with shops for, or Managing director Marco Gola and project manager Katarina Dujmovic are motivated and happy about the new opportunities that the funding measure will also open up for smaller companies. We have put together more details about the funding opportunities at


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