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100 German text books for Trossingen’s refugees

By 16. November 2015February 21st, 2024No Comments1 min read
Hefte für den Deutschkurs von Asylbewerber

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Quick integration is the goal.

In this respect, language skills are very important. That is why Matoma is happy to support the German language course for refugees, organised by the Helferkreises TroAsyl, and run by volunteers, by donating 100 copies of the “Workbook Deutschkurs für Asylbewerber”.


Author Marco

As managing director of Matoma GmbH and an experienced software entrepreneur (since 1997), Marco Gola has established himself as a leading force in the field of smart locker systems. He is the editor of a specialist book and an active blogger, where he writes about smart lockers, especially in office environments. Through his membership in the DVPT and IFMA Switzerland, he underlines his commitment to quality and innovation in the industry. Matoma GmbH is distinguished by the development of the leading software solution for intelligent locker systems NetLocker(r). Follow Marco Gola on LinkedIn for the latest insights and developments.

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